Friday, October 17, 2008

Another step closer

We took our paw print stepping stone out of the mold today and took a look at which of our trinkets we could see. Only a few are showing. We were really surprised to see some very light weight things, like a guitar pick and some coins, had stayed put and are easily seen. Next week we'll be finishing up all the paws so that each classroom can come and put their thumb prints on their class's personal stepping stone. We are planning to put them all in the garden on Halloween!

We went outside to check out our new deck. It was put in last weekend. We think it looks pretty great! We also checked out the area where our stepping stones are going to be. There is a pretty nice space for them, but we need something to fill in the gaps around where our stepping stones will be. So when we came back inside, we wrote a letter to local landscaping companies to ask for donations of crushed rock, small pebbles or pea gravel to fill it in. That will make it even easier for us to maintain, since we won't need anyone to mow any grass! We hope someone will have some material we can have.

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