Friday, October 31, 2008

A Most Productive Day

We got so much accomplished today. First we checked our flower jars. Some of us have sprouts that are pretty big. Some of us still don't have any green shoots. And some of us had green sprouts, but now they aren't there. We're learning that seeds sometimes grow correctly and sometimes they don't. All in all, it's pretty interesting.
Then Mrs. M. showed us how some of the plants in our classroom reproduce, which makes more of itself. Two plants grows new plants from the underground root. Another plant grows baby plants on a shoot shot out from the plant's stems and leaves. We are going to have quite a few baby plants to pot later this winter.

Next we went outside and did some dead-heading and thistle pulling in the front gardens. It will look very nice for the Halloween parade this afternoon. Last we help Mr. Oscar bring six containers of mulch to the hosta garden. The mulch is like a blanket for the hosta roots. They will be nice and warm during the winter.
We had hoped to put the stepping stones in the outdoor classroom today. (All the kids in school got to put a thumb print on one. They look really cool.) But no one contacted us about donating the crushed rock or gravel for the stepping stone area. Hopefully we can get that here next week and then place all our paw prints.
Mrs. M. said she'd post some photos for this entry later.

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