Friday, September 5, 2008

Weeds, say your prayers!

This morning we pulled weeds in the hosta garden. We learned how to pull a weed. You dig down to the root and then pull on the top of the root, twisting slowly. It is important that we get the root because if you don’t get the root, it will grow back, again and again and again and again and again . . . . ☺ We learned which plants are good in the garden and which are bad. The bad ones are called weeds. Weeds are anything you don’t want in you garden. They can hurt the plants you want in your garden by taking the water the good plants need. It can steal the nutrients from the soil. It can wrap itself around a plant and “choke” it, which would kill it. We found lots of bugs in the garden, too! There were crickets, daddy-long-legs, pillbugs, ants; lots and lots of ants. They crawled all over Kathleen. Our hosta garden looks much prettier now.

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